Sunday 14 January 2007

Our House-Warming

For a change we are the hosts. Francesca makes stuffed avocadoes and I, nachoes like in The Forest. Too late I discover that the yoghurt I used for the tzatziki is sweet.

We eat off plastic plates on the floor as we have unsufficient bum space while Fere and Gustavo say interesting things about the Military Dictatorship.

Irene talks about the 2001 economic crisis and says they would sometimes turn up for demonstrations without knowing what they were demonstrating for. There were too many demonstrations and often the turnout was very low. Sometimes there were not enough people to carry the main banner.

Some people were also killed although not as many as in the Dictatorship. Fere knew someone who was shot in his apartment by the military government.

What in English is called The Falklands is called The Malvinas here and when the British navy arrived several weeks after war was declared, the Argentinian army gave up molesting women on the islands and military rule collapsed.

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